Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Oh no!

I am most assuredly the worst blogger in creation. I have, despite my lack of blogging, been crafting! The holiday season demands crafting. There is nothing better than making gifts for the people you care about! So, without further ado, here are some (not all, since I am not sure everyone has received their presents yet and don't want to give away any surprises) of the presents I made.

A set of Dias de los Muertos napkins
 I love these, you can't see it in this picture but the opposite side of each has the opposite color and the edging goes all the way around. I made them for a friend, technically for her birthday in October but, well good crafts take time right? There is, of course, a fourth napkin but I gave it to her back in October and forgot to photograph it first. I had a very hard time with the edging on these, cutting and sewing a nice straight edge is not my strong suit. But it was excellent practice and by the last one I had found my rhythm. Also it is very apparent that my french knot needs work. I couldn't get the darn things to look right and there are only so many times you can make a hole in the fabric to try again.

Applique tote bag with a robin

Applique tote bag with an owl

These were a project a friend found on the Country Living website. We had a great time looking for fun fabrics and working on them together. I filled them with random fun gifts. If I had them to do over again I would dye the bags first since the white background is a bit plain. I would have also liked to have found a way to make the edges a bit neater, they were made using iron-on fusible web and had raw edges that frayed quite a bit.

I cannot believe this is the best picture I managed to take of these...

Ugh, look at my hair! Anyway, I love the length of these fingerless gloves that I made for a friend at work. The pattern for these can be found here, I use it a lot though somehow this time I managed to forget to increase when I came to the palm. They look a little funny when they aren't being worn but they fit the person they were made for well. Aside from that my only other struggle was finding an inconspicuous way to hide the ends, something I have always struggled with when crocheting.

That's all for the Christmas presents. Aside from those I have been working on my bead making, just playing around with the glass and getting a feel for what I like the looks of. I have a lot of glass beads that I have made that are just too darn big to really make anything wearable with so I've been playing with a smaller mandrel size (to make a smaller hole) and just a smaller sized bead. Hopefully I get a few winners so I can update the Etsy store a bit.

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